3 Questions to Ask Your Roofing Contractor

3 Questions to Ask Your Roofing Contractor

When the time comes for a roofing project, it’s important to find the right contractor. You might have seen tips on how to DIY or had a consultation with those who just wandered by your home (called storm chasers). However, these two methods can lead to future damage and more expenses.

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5 Reasons to Stick With a Licensed Contractor

5 Reasons to Stick With a Licensed Contractor

There isn’t any reason to not work with a licensed contractor. In fact, working with the pros can keep your home improvement project stress and hassle-free. With their proper tools and experience, they can take on any task in the field of their expertise.

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Do’s and Don’ts in a Roof Replacement

Do’s and Don’ts in a Roof Replacement

Nobody likes to replace their roof, but there will come a time when the system will succumb to the elements. This means you need to be prepared for it. Coleman Roofing, the leading roofer in the area, shares some tips on handling a roof replacement.

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