Finding the Right Metal Roof to Match Your Home
Finding the Right Metal Roof to Match Your Home
One of the best materials for residential homes is metal roofing. A recent uptick in the material’s trendiness has encouraged more homeowners to invest in it. Metal is durable, energy-efficient, resistant to different types of damage and can fit any style of home.

Finding the right type of metal roof can improve both the look and the feel of your home. Today, we’ll talk about the different types of metal roofs so that you can decide which one is best for your home.
Metal Sheets
One of the most common types of roofing is done using metal sheets. The reason it is so prominent is it’s the most affordable choice. This lets you save on the installation since sheets use fewer materials overall. This also means it is quicker to install than other options.
The main issue with this method lies in its exposed fasteners. They can get loose after ten years or so, which means you’ll need to re-tighten them to avoid water damage.
Metal Shingles and Tiles
Although not as well-known, metal shingles are available for homeowners. While slightly pricier than the metal sheet, they also last longer. It is also easier to modify their look; you can change the color, the style and even the shape of a metal shingle.
While metal shingles and tiles boast the same energy-efficient and low-maintenance qualities of a metal roof, they are susceptible to storm damage and can be ripped off.
Standing Seams
An alternative to the regular metal sheet, standing seams have ribs that rise vertically every few inches. These ribs make it easier to install solar panels and have the added design benefit of providing your home with a unique pattern. Standing seam roofs are more expensive than other methods, though, and take more time to install.
Want to learn more about our roof services? Call us today at (225) 379-7663. We serve residents of Louisiana in any parish.