Green Roofs Vs. White Roofs

Green Roofs Vs. White Roofs

Installing a green or white roof can reduce the heat inside your home without requiring your air conditioner to work overtime. This means you can save on energy costs especially during the warmer months. Before investing in either roof type for your home, make sure you understand how they work. This way, you can better…

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5 Facts About Metal Roofing

5 Facts About Metal Roofing

Metal roofing has become a popular option for many American homes, especially now that it comes in a variety of beautiful styles and designs. In this article, Coleman Roofing, a top-rated roof contractor in the area, shares five facts about metal roofs.

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The Do’s and Don’ts of a Hail Damage Insurance Claim

The Do’s and Don’ts of a Hail Damage Insurance Claim

It’s vital to make sure your roof gets fixed soon after a storm to avoid bigger problems and more expensive repairs. In this article, Coleman Roofing, the area’s trusted roofing contractor, shares some tips on what you should do and shouldn’t do when filing a hail damage insurance claim.

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Does a Solar Roof Generate More Power in Summer?

Does a Solar Roof Generate More Power in Summer?

Summer is almost upon us and with it comes the usual flurry of activities that most people look forward to, like vacations and outdoor adventures. Summer is also a particularly exciting time for solar roofing system owners since sunlight plays an important role in solar production. Does summer, however, improve your summer solar performance? Coleman…

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Why Summer Is a Good Time for Roof Replacement

Why Summer Is a Good Time for Roof Replacement

A roof replacement project is a big deal and one that requires you to plan ahead. The life expectancy of a typical roofing system is around 15-20 years, so if the age of your roof has exceeded this range, then you might want to start looking at replacement options. That said, if your roof is…

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